We believe in the Holy Scriptures
We believe in the one true God
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ: who is the second Person of the Trinity of God
We believe in the Holy Spirit: who is the Third Person of the Trinity
We believe all men are by nature and choice sinful and lost
We believe in salvation by grace through faith
We believe in righteous living and Godly works: not as a means of salvation in any sense, but as its proper evidence and fruit
We believe in the importance of the local church: that all believers should assemble and identify themselves in a local church
We believe the ordinances given to the local church are two, baptism and the Lord's supper
*Click here to read our beliefs in their entirety.
The worship experience at “The Grove” covers the entire spectrum. Whether you are the person who prefers quiet meditation or the person who would rather engage in radical praise, we have it all! Lifting and clapping of hands, tearful worship and exuberant praise will all be on display as “Grovites” worship God in Spirit and in Truth. The focal point of all worship experiences at “The Grove” is the Word of God. It is the highlight and focal point of all services. Every facet of service is in preparation for the preached Word of God.
Bible-oriented activities are provided for toddlers, preschool, elementary and middle school-age children. At this level, young children are taught to sing, pray, memorize Scripture and learn important Bible truths. They are instructed and led in worship at their own levels. This loving, comfortable atmosphere helps show children at the earliest ages that church is a good place to be. There is no cost as it also frees parents for worship and reduces distractions.
Music is a major feature of our worship before, during and even after the service itself. Whatever the accompaniment might be, inspired singing is the order of the day. Any service may include traditional hymns, hand-clapping gospel songs, contemporary compositions or relevant worshipful choruses. Music will include congregational and special music - solos, duets, ensembles, choirs, and instrumentals.